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What the Sony Attack Teaches Us About Security Convergence – Lessons for the … – energybiz

What the Sony Attack Teaches Us About Security Convergence – Lessons for the …energybizThe severe economic and reputational consequences of Sony's failure to adequately protect its systems will be more expensive by orders of magnitude than the cost of first-rate security to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to breaches. While experts …and more »

Anonymous Jury, Inmate Actions, Pregnancy Discrimination Claims – New York Law Journal (registration)

New York Law Journal (registration)Anonymous Jury, Inmate Actions, Pregnancy Discrimination ClaimsNew York Law Journal (registration)A FedEx security officer told her to leave the building. Defendants … No one else was disciplined, Gibson was promoted to plaintiff's position, and defendants did not suggest that plaintiff and her undisciplined co-workers were not similar in their …and more »

How Steve Jobs almost leaked the original iPhone's existence to a FedEx worker

When Apple acquired the domain name iPhone.org…


Posted in Corporate Security.