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Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center: Boeing 367-80 Jet Transport, with Concorde, Fox Alpha, Air France in the background

Why Can't Hollywood Tell America's Stories? – TIME

TIMEWhy Can't Hollywood Tell America's Stories?TIMEBut I'd like Hollywood to tell these spectacular tales with actors who look more like contemporary America. I want to see more women and nonwhite people on screen. I'd like to see a good romantic comedy about a black couple falling in love that can …and more »

Winter Storm Juno: Snow Shuts Down New York and Boston

Winter Storm Juno: Snow shuts down New York and Boston
New York City and other areas in the north-east US have shut down, with forecasters warning residents to expect "crippling" amounts of snow.
Forecasters say Winter Storm Juno could dump up to 76cm (30ins) in some parts of New Jersey, Maine and New Hampshire.
All non-emergency vehicles were banned in New York City from 23:00 on Monday (04:00 GMT Tuesday) and subway services were suspended. Similar measures were in place in Boston, Massachusetts.
Some 60 million people may be affected.
An emergency has been declared in the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Boston, which is forecast to receive some of the highest snowfalls, has also suspended public transport and car travel.
However, some meteorologists in Pennsylvania and New Jersey have downgraded their snowfall predictions, saying there has been less snowfall than initially forecast.
At least one winter storm warning in New Jersey has been cancelled.
In other developments:
6,500 flights in and out of airports along the East Coast cancelled
Businesses and schools closed early on Monday
Schools not expected to reopen before Wednesday at the earliest
Boston is expected to bear the brunt of the storm
'Matter of life and death'
The National Weather Service (NWS) earlier warned that a "potentially historic blizzard" was approaching the north-east.
Glenn Field of the NWS in Taunton, Massachusetts, told the BBC on Monday that the storm would be worse than previously thought.
Hurricane-force winds of up to 80 mph (130km/h) would batter Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, he said.
Mr Field said the heaviest snowfall would come in the early hours of Tuesday, with 15 inches expected between 01:00 and 05:00 (06:00-10:00 GMT), and 30 inches in total in parts of Massachusetts.
As the weather deteriorated, workers in New York left early and headed for the safety of home, heeding warnings from officials. The subway system has been shut down, for the first time because of snow.
Broadway shows were dark, the neon-lit avenues deserted. It gave a ghostly feel to a city that famously never sleeps.
The storm's effects are being felt way beyond Manhattan, from New Jersey to Maine. Coastal areas such as Cape Cod and Long Island could face flooding and power blackouts. Boston is also in its path.
The Governor of Massachusetts called it "a top five historic storm."
Blizzard shuts down much of U.S. Northeast
Streets empty amid blizzard onset
Northeast U.S. Streets empty as monster blizzard approaches
Monster snowstorm could dump up to 3 feet, paralyze Northeast
Snow emergency declared in US
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Making Amends for America's Racial History – ABC News

Making Amends for America's Racial HistoryABC NewsAnd Shelby Steele, you have argued in the past that the problem for reparations would be trading honor for dollars, selling our birthright for a pot of porridge. What did you mean by that? Yes, you know … But I think the answer, I think, for the most …

New York defends storm shutdown

New York (AFP) – New York authorities on Tuesday vigorously defended a decision to shut down America's biggest city for a winter storm that skirted the Big Apple, dumping the worst snow on Long Island and New England.


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