
CSC Global Careers

2015: a big year for OpenStack – WhaTech

2015: a big year for OpenStackWhaTechThe individual efforts of Rackspace, Microsoft, IBM, HP, CSC or Telstra are unlikely to create a genuine competitive threat in the near-term." So, OpenStack is … Today The OpenStack project is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing …

The Day My Job Mattered Most: Ron, Civil Service

The day that mattered most to me would probably be my introduction into the United Nations General Assembly that happens in New York in late September. I was a staff assistant for then-Assistant Secretary Daniel Fried and I realized that the UNGA, as we like to call it, is probably our response to the Golden Globes in California. It is chaos, it is press, it is police, and it is as much fun as I've ever had in the Department of State. Go to Http://careers.state.gov/resources/video… to read the transcript.

Obama Just Stepped Over Australia's Climate-Denying Prime Minister on His … – Newsweek

NewsweekObama Just Stepped Over Australia's Climate-Denying Prime Minister on His …NewsweekAustralia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who once said "the climate argument is absolute crap," had the dirty job of trying to keep climate change off the agenda when he hosted the G20 Summit this weekend. The meeting of the world's largest economies …and more »

Real World Internet of Things at Scale By @JimKaskade | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

With several hundred implementations of IoT-enabled solutions in the past 12 months alone, this session will focus on experience over the art of the possible.


Posted in Event Security.