
Do Security Guards Carry Guns

Life on the other side of the bars.

Armed security guard mistaken as threat at OU Southern – Huntington Herald Dispatch

Huntington Herald DispatchArmed security guard mistaken as threat at OU SouthernHuntington Herald DispatchWe reviewed the security tape and saw a Brinks guard armed with a gun wearing black, cargo pants and carrying a black duffle bag." Dozens of … If you do not want your comment to post to your personal Facebook page, uncheck the box below the comment.and more »

Comics 'On Patrol' - Ottawa 07 06

Local government policies on guns vary

A Harford County councilman who runs a store that sells guns has, at times, carried a firearm into council meetings.

Former Janesville resident interrupts retirement for Super Bowl job – Gazettextra

Former Janesville resident interrupts retirement for Super Bowl jobGazettextraJohnson said his friends back home will be relieved to hear he will not a carry a gun. Johnson also was trained to spot people who look nervous and was urged to be overly suspicious. “If they are looking at the security guards all the time, that might …


Posted in Security Guard Weapons.