Make Yourself Sound More Intelligent With These 10 Phrases – Huffington Post
Huffington PostMake Yourself Sound More Intelligent With These 10 PhrasesHuffington PostHowever, texting and emojis have taken over the world — so it becomes difficult to remember how to use the English language to its fullest extent. I find this happening in the business world. I've been … While all the phrases on this list have …

GRE Vocabulary word A part5
Resources available to help one master English language – The Straits Times
The Straits TimesResources available to help one master English languageThe Straits TimesLook up meanings of new and difficult words in a dictionary. Go to the Speak Good English Movement website to learn more about grammar rules, vocabulary and the correct use of English. You can make use of the Web, which has resources to help you learn …