Federal Building Security Officers

There is no excuse for domestic violence. King County Courthouse: In memory of Susana Remerata and her unborn daughter, Phoebe Dizon, Veronica Laureta - who were shot and killed here, March 2, 1995, by Susana's husband. Seattle, Washington, USA

Building the 21st century vault with layered security – GCN.com

GCN.comBuilding the 21st century vault with layered securityGCN.comSecurity guards watch for suspicious behavior. Panes of bulletproof glass protect tellers. … Some federal government agencies have adopted layered security frameworks to better protect their data, yet many remain vulnerable. Starting in 2012, the …

Homeland Security Federal Protective Services

San Francisco - Alcatraz: Cellhouse - Battle of Alcatraz -

Nothing harmful found in suspicious package at federal building – WLKY Louisville

WLKY LouisvilleNothing harmful found in suspicious package at federal buildingWLKY LouisvilleThe Homeland Security team was still parked outside the federal building hours later. "I had a … Authorities said a guard saw the package going through an X-ray machine at the loading dock, and said it had a substance that was releasing some sort of …and more »


Posted in Canada Government Security.