Home Inspection Service Surrey BC

Restaurants expected to slowly comply with organics disposal ban – Richmond Review

Restaurants expected to slowly comply with organics disposal banRichmond ReviewStarting next July, Metro inspectors will slap a 50 per cent tipping fee surcharge on loads of garbage they spot that contain 25 per cent or more food scraps. Up until then, they'll just issue warnings. As with other Metro disposal bans, the fines are …and more »

Bill Cosby Show Disrupted By Chanters: "We Believe The Women"

THR is on hand as around 30 women shout at the embattled comedian.

Photo: CTV – Vancouver – Castanet.net

Castanet.netPhoto: CTV – VancouverCastanet.netA judge concluded Haevischer, Johnston and another man shot six people in a high-rise condo unit in Surrey, B.C., in October 2007. The Crown's theory at trial was that the Red Scorpions gang plotted to murder a rival drug trafficker, but that five …and more »


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