
Homeland Security Jobs in New York

Jobs With Justice National Workers' Rights Board

READ IN: Commuting By Gyrocopter Edition – Washington Post (blog)

READ IN: Commuting By Gyrocopter EditionWashington Post (blog)(New York Times). — The Florida mailman who landed a gyrocopter on the West Lawn of the Capitol took off from a regional airport in Gettysburg, Pa., early Wednesday. Doug Hughes, 61, was arrested by U.S. Capitol Police, while the FAA and NORAD are …

FED - United States Border Patrol

Senate to hold hearing on cyber security – Legislative Gazette

Legislative GazetteSenate to hold hearing on cyber securityLegislative GazetteMichael Nozzolio, chair of the Senate Codes Committee, announced these hearings will examine what New York is doing to prevent cyber attacks that could affect the security and the economy of New York. … Another bill S.3405 would require the Division …


Posted in Armed Security Jobs.