Wal-Mart pay hike raises hopes of workers and shoppers – Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles TimesWal-Mart pay hike raises hopes of workers and shoppersLos Angeles TimesDarren Perkins, though, hopes that the wage hikes will eventually boost his own pay of $10.20 an hour. The overnight stocker, who started working at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles' Crenshaw neighborhood this week, said he struggles with paying the rent and …Walmart ups pay well above minimum wageCNNMoneyall 1,283 news articles »

Walmart stocking shelves for summer grand opening
How Walmart Persuades Its Workers Not to Unionize – The Atlantic
How Walmart Persuades Its Workers Not to UnionizeThe AtlanticOne former Walmart store manager tells the story that after discovering a pro-union flyer in his store's men's room, he informed company headquarters and within 24 hours, an anti-union SWAT team flew to his store in a corporate jet. And when the meat …