
Physical Security Jobs

Veteran's Memorial Park - Beatrice, NE

Venezuelan Guarimbas: 11 Things the Media Didn't Tell You – Axis of Logic

Axis of LogicVenezuelan Guarimbas: 11 Things the Media Didn't Tell YouAxis of LogicWhile the government has acknowledged numerous cases of misconduct by police and the national guard (GNB) and arrested those allegedly responsible, the majority of security forces that did their jobs well were largely ignored. The hundreds of GNB …and more »

Boycott University of Missouri Hospitals & Clinics < Green Meadows Clinic >

Proposed US law could deal knockout blow to FBI in overseas cloud privacy … – The Register

The RegisterProposed US law could deal knockout blow to FBI in overseas cloud privacy …The Register"Today, a majority of the House of Representatives is standing up to say that the government has no more business reading your personal email than it does reading your physical mail. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the …and more »

How Workplaces Can Combat Pregnancy Discrimination (timeblogs)

Having a baby shouldn't put Americans' jobs at risk.

Want a hot job? These careers are in demand

Demand for lead physical therapists are projected to grow a solid 36% between 2012 and 2022.


Posted in Armed Security Jobs.