
Pink Ballet Costumes

Evening dress, Spring 1836

The Royal Ballet: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland – Times Higher Education

Times Higher EducationThe Royal Ballet: Alice's Adventures in WonderlandTimes Higher EducationIt is an accessible, narrative ballet with amazing costumes, easily recognisable characters and some Lion King meets War Horse puppetry. It opens … Alice also combines realistic projected effects with unabashedly anti-illusionistic devices: the …and more »

Tutti Fruitti

116.55 ¥/$ (5 p.m.)

Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site. For anyone raised in the West, the year-end holidays in Japan can be a jarring experience, at least for the uninitiated.

Entertainment Calendar – Troy Record

Entertainment CalendarTroy Record27, free; Dance for the Screen features five dance films: Seline Baumgartner's “Nothing Else” features dancers 50 and older focusing on age and the inability to move with agility conceived as a conceptual framework for choreography; Orit Ben-Shitrit's …and more »


Posted in Professional Uniformed Security Officers.