State of California to take 35 years to repay Lakewood $9.3 million – Long Beach Press Telegram
State of California to take 35 years to repay Lakewood $9.3 millionLong Beach Press TelegramLAKEWOOD >> The city doesn't want to wait 35 years to be repaid $9.3 million, but the state thinks 3 1/2 decades is a fair length of time. The dispute arises from the complicated process of unwinding redevelopment agencies across California, authorized …

Canvas Project Proposal – Construction Forms for …
A Phase 1B, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multiple-dose … – Nature.com
A Phase 1B, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multiple-dose …Nature.comDose escalation by titrating from 40 mg q.d. To 40 mg b.i.d. And 40 mg t.i.d. Drug administration was based on pre-clinical findings demonstrating central nervous system-related adverse events in animals associated with Cmax (Data on File, Neuralstem …and more »