
Security Jobs in WI

All three test boats for the RB-M underway in Hampton Roads

What Sarah Palin Thinks of the 2016 Republican Field – Bloomberg

What Sarah Palin Thinks of the 2016 Republican FieldBloombergPalin, in turn, described immigration reform as "pandering, rewarding the rule-breaker, still-no-border-security, special-interest-written amnesty bill," adding, "And I think it's kind of dangerous territory, touchy territory to want to debate this …and more »

CenturyLinkVoice: 3 Hurdles Standing In The Way Of The Internet Of Things

Whether it's wearable technology, home automation, or machine-to-machine communications, the Internet of Things—in which everyday objects connect to the Internet and each other—is poised to change the world around us. Gartner predicts that the Internet of Things (IoT)—excluding PCs, tablets and smartphones—will grow to 26 billion units installed in 2020. This growth, […]

How Ethical Hotel Chain Marriott Gouges Guests in the Name of Wi-Fi Security – Daily Beast

Daily BeastHow Ethical Hotel Chain Marriott Gouges Guests in the Name of Wi-Fi SecurityDaily BeastHotels either can choose to get on the users' side and package dependable, secure Wi-Fi into the cost of rooms—or drift toward technological absurdity as we come to depend on third parties that fulfill our needs better. “Personal hotspots can get …and more »


Posted in Security Jobs in USA.