Security Officer Uniform Shirts

USAF Air Police

Bartered sex, corruption, cover-ups in nation's largest women's prison – McClatchy Washington Bureau

McClatchy Washington BureauBartered sex, corruption, cover-ups in nation's largest women's prisonMcClatchy Washington BureauWo men in confinement are restricted to a 10-by-12 cell, with the clothes on their back and, if they are lucky, a few possessions. They get … “If you report you are raped, you sit in a 10-by-12 cell with nothing but your uniform, and they close the …and more »

New York State Correction Officers Illegally Detain Me for …

Hill receives OCP uniforms

Mayor, board should have consulted police chief before hiring security firm – Vicksburg Post

Vicksburg PostMayor, board should have consulted police chief before hiring security firmVicksburg Post“We need to know what hours they're going to be working, will they be in a uniform and whether they'll be armed, so we can tell the officers working down there,” he said. “For all we know, he could be wearing Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt that says ……

Posted in Professional Uniformed Security Officers.