
Unarmed Security Jobs in Chicago

Smoking in New Orleans: health hazard versus economic engine – NOLA.com

NOLA.comSmoking in New Orleans: health hazard versus economic engineNOLA.comBut her changes also expanded the ban on smoking in hotels and motels to all rooms and designated unarmed, uniformed civilian police officers in the French Quarter, known as "NOLA Patrol," as another enforcement agency. … For data about how many of …and more »

Cameras in the Streets: Focus on Justice

From the earliest cave paintings to the Mass Observers of Great Britain, chronicling the everyday has been a preoccupation of humankind. 1 And on rare occasions a face in the crowd has captured something extraordinary, such as when Abraham Zapruder filmed the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

50 Years After Selma, Refocusing The Movement – Chicago Defender

50 Years After Selma, Refocusing The MovementChicago DefenderThat Sunday became known as Bloody Sunday, a day when Black marchers in Selma who were marching to secure voting rights were beaten to a bloody pulp by police. Lewis, a student activist at the time, nearly died, as did others. A nation watched as the …and more »


Posted in Security Companies In Chicago.