New ways to hire, pay, promote and fire federal employees considered by Obama … – Washington Post (blog)
Washington Post (blog)New ways to hire, pay, promote and fire federal employees considered by Obama …Washington Post (blog)A controversial point would develop alternatives to the General Schedule (GS), the pay and classification system that covers most federal employees. The language suggests that the old and “rigid” GS, which includes two-thirds of Defense Department (DOD …Obama considers new ways to hire, pay, promote and fire federal employeesStars and Stripesall 3 news articles »

Federal Employee Retirement
The Great Retirement Plan Every Federal Employee Should Use – Motley Fool
Motley FoolThe Great Retirement Plan Every Federal Employee Should UseMotley FoolFor private-sector employees, 401(k) plans have been a mixed bag, with some plans offering lucrative matching contributions and solid investment options while others fall short on both fronts. Federal employees aren't eligible to join a 401(k), but the …and more »