Cinder Block Thrown Through Door Of Burglarized Home – Greeneville Sun
Cinder Block Thrown Through Door Of Burglarized HomeGreeneville SunThe homeowner said he has a home security system, but it did not activate because the back door was not opened, which should have activated motion sensors and set off the alarm. The victim will have the security system fixed. Stolen were a .22-caliber …and more »

Free Lynx Plus home security alarm system
David Le Clair: Smoke detectors save lives – MPNnow.com
David Le Clair: Smoke detectors save livesMPNnow.comWorking smoke alarms can dramatically increase a person's chances of surviving a fire. Smoke detectors are the best way to protect your home and family in detecting a fire and providing them the opportunity for escape from a building involved in fire …and more »