
Guard Dog Flashlight

Startling Crime Cases

Who's counting? – LA Observed

Who's counting?LA ObservedWe veterans knew that "flashlights are for papers, not people," we knew that private property was off-limits and we waited to see if we won the newest raffle offering Willis announced: "Some of you are going home tonight with a box of worms!" This is …

Snake woman

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Форт Шанц / Fort Shantz

Idaho Homeowner and Former Marine Shoots Escaped Prison Inmate Roy Bieluch – Viral Global News

Idaho Homeowner and Former Marine Shoots Escaped Prison Inmate Roy BieluchViral Global NewsThe homeowner is not only a former Marine, but he has previous experience in law enforcement. Hearing his dog barking Thursday evening at his Placer Creek home, Becker grabbed his handgun and a flashlight, after his barking dog would not subside.and more »

Who's counting?

Ellen Alperstein: Counting the number of people who sleep on the street is a seasonal job performed by homeless census volunteers. People such as me.


Posted in Guard Dog Security.