HSE Officer CV

Case study: 'Irish medical graduates are really sought after' – Irish Times

Irish TimesCase study: 'Irish medical graduates are really sought after'Irish TimesFour weeks ago, shortly after finishing his intern year at hospitals in Cork and Kerry, Michael Courtney flew to Perth with a group of close friends, mostly doctors who had graduated with him from the school of medicine at University College Cork (UCC …and more »

Coke Prank on Cops

Smoking ban goes 'too far' – The Kerryman

The KerrymanSmoking ban goes 'too far'The KerrymanThe ban will make smoking illegal on the grounds of HSE-run facilities, including mental health residential units. "Many of our members believe this is a step too far, and a fundamental breach of an individual's human rights to smoke under restricted …


Posted in Security Officer Vacancy.