Root Meanings of Words

"Roots down in the wet clay, branches glistening"

Wesleyan Student Government Retaliates for Dumb Op-Ed By Dramatically Slashing … – Jezebel

JezebelWesleyan Student Government Retaliates for Dumb Op-Ed By Dramatically Slashing …JezebelBack in September, Wesleyan's 147-year-old student newspaper the Argus published an op-ed criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement. The article, written by a sophomore, featured lines like “It is plausible that Black Lives Matter has created the …and more »

Root Practice ©2009 Diane Frymire

Image from page 12 of "The origin and history of Irish names of places" (1800)

Canada election 2015: Linguistic roots of Tories, Liberals and NDP –

CBC.caCanada election 2015: Linguistic roots of Tories, Liberals and NDPCBC.caA Conservative starts out respectably enough. The party name comes from conserve, a melding of two Latin words: con, meaning together, and servare, meaning to keep. So a Conservative is a person who respects traditions and believes if it ain't broke ……

Posted in Security Guards Concierge.