![Image from page 166 of "Iacobi â Bruck Angermunt cogn. Emblemata Politica : Quibus ea, quæ ad principatum spectant, breviter demonstrantur, singuloru[m] verò explicatio fusius proponitur ; Opus novum" (1618) by Internet Archive Book Images / No known copyright restrictions Image from page 166 of "Iacobi â Bruck Angermunt cogn. Emblemata Politica : Quibus ea, quæ ad principatum spectant, breviter demonstrantur, singuloru[m] verò explicatio fusius proponitur ; Opus novum" (1618)](https://security-guardca.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/14562714229_31104f4db6_o.jpg)
Klemm usporio, drugi Securitas, Klica stabilno – Večernji list
Klemm usporio, drugi Securitas, Klica stabilnoVečernji listDo promjene je došlo na drugoj poziciji: umjesto AKD zaštite, tu je sada Securitas Hrvatska, zaštitarska tvrtka u vlasništvu multinacionalke Securitas koja je snažno penetrirala na hrvatsko tržište preuzevši zagrebački Zvonimir Security, riječki …
Securitas Race for Life
The Securitas HR Team taking part in the Race for Life 2014.
G4S, the company with no convictions – but does it have blood on its hands?
The number of deaths linked to G4S employees, some with racial overtones, means this company must have a problem. When will it be held to account? The racist texts found on the phones of two of the three G4S security guards who escorted Angolan deportee Jimmy Mubenga to his death in 2009 required a double take. One text, written by defendant Stuart Tribelnig, read: “Fuck off and go home you free …
Key issues on this year's Hall of Fame ballot – ESPN (blog)
ESPN (blog)Key issues on this year's Hall of Fame ballotESPN (blog)I heard the same thing about Bagwell every year. Both are worthy of being first ballot, but get lumped into the crowd because they hit HR's in the steroid era. Reply · …. Paul Jones · Security Guard at Securitas. So was this comment. Reply · Like …and more »