Google and Samsung are on a collision course when it comes to fighting Apple … – BGR
BGRGoogle and Samsung are on a collision course when it comes to fighting Apple …BGRThe security and ease of use behind Apple Pay unquestionably makes Apple's own mobile payment service the best in the business. Left to play catch-up, Samsung recently acquired LoopPay, a mobile payments company with technology that enables …and more »

Video01 Getting Started with CompTIA Security+ Training
Chip firms put security center stage for the internet of things – Gigaom
GigaomChip firms put security center stage for the internet of thingsGigaomOf course all of this may well be useless if, once you pop that chip into your system, you run insecure hardware on it or hook it into a poorly designed system. This is where Freescale's efforts come into play. Many of its microcontrollers offer some …
ACH Security Framework Training will be InfoSight’s Focus at EastPay’s Information Interchange 2015 Conference
InfoSight will address the concern of financial institutions regarding the ACH Security Framework which establishes minimum data security obligations for ACH Network participants to protect ACH data within their control. (PRWeb February 21, 2015) Read the full story at Http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/02/pr…