Update from India – Shelburne News
Shelburne NewsUpdate from IndiaShelburne NewsThey were out buying snacks. I landed in Daund an hour later (didn't need a sleeper, of course, but more room than in the general boarding cars, more safety for my pack), and even the security guard on the pedestrian bridge over the multiple tracks …

ATL Security Guard Kick Out Confrontational Hoodrat
Q and A with Brian Kershisnik, 'Nativity' painter – Deseret News
Deseret NewsQ and A with Brian Kershisnik, 'Nativity' painterDeseret NewsPROVO — The security guard's name was Jeff, and he was moving fast. He was at one end of the Museum of Art on the Brigham Young University campus when he noticed out of the corner of his eye a man in blue jeans, shirt tail out, sunglasses perched atop …and more »