
Unarmed Security Companies in Chicago

Selma's Missing Rabbi – Jewish Journal

Jewish JournalSelma's Missing RabbiJewish JournalState troopers and local cops attacked the unarmed marchers with tear gas and billy clubs while the activists were trying to cross Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge. … LBJ committed to send in the U.S. Army, the Alabama National Guard (under federal …and more »

Cameras in the Streets: Focus on Justice

From the earliest cave paintings to the Mass Observers of Great Britain, chronicling the everyday has been a preoccupation of humankind. 1 And on rare occasions a face in the crowd has captured something extraordinary, such as when Abraham Zapruder filmed the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Racial gap in U.S. Arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' – KYTX

Racial gap in U.S. Arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'KYTXPolice in Ferguson — which erupted into days of racially charged unrest after a white officer killed an unarmed black teen — arrest black people at a rate nearly three times higher than people of other races. At least 1,581 … That includes …and more »


Posted in Security Companies In Chicago.