Part 2: The search for Camille Arfmann – Topeka Capital Journal
Topeka Capital JournalPart 2: The search for Camille ArfmannTopeka Capital JournalInstead, he went to his job as a security guard until about midnight as Floyd continued distributing fliers and stopping vehicles in Oskaloosa to ask people whether they had seen Camille. By this point, several theories had formed. Heidi Bledsoe …and more »
New way to shoplift; taking souvenirs of school and other crime news – Ormond Beach Observer
Ormond Beach ObserverNew way to shoplift; taking souvenirs of school and other crime newsOrmond Beach Observer… Packaging inside socks on the shelf. She was charged with stealing kids' shoes, two eight-packs of batteries, T-shirt, several pairs of underwear; and cosmetics including eyeliner, bronzer, nail polish and lipstick. … Her business sometime over …