
922 LTC 012 Hazmat Training

Details for: 922-

A Course 922 LTC 012 Hazmat Training

  • Professional Education Center (PEC) course “Hazardous Material Training”, (LT_012), which is
    an online course equivalent to “AMMO-67-DL”.
    1. Go to the website:
  • 2. Click on the “Click this link to view the PEC Online Campus Course
    Catalog. This link will open in a new window” link.
  • 3. In the “Course No:” box, enter “LT_012”, (without quotes), then click on
    the “Go!” button.
  • 4. Click on the “(LTC-012) Hazardous Material Training” link in the “Catalog
    Title” area.
  • 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the Course Description and click on the
    “Register” button.
  • 6. Click on the “New Student Enrollment” button, if you do not have an
    account on the Professional Education Center (PEC) site.
  • 7. Follow the instructions and fill out the “New Student Enrollment” form and
    click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form.
  • 8. Follow the instructions, from the website, after completing the “Student
    Enrollment” to complete the course.

o Department of Transportation (DoT)
o Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
o Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
o Department of Defense (DoD)
o US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)
o Army regulations
The course addresses DoT, OSHA and EPA HAZMAT training requirements. It is free from the GuardU. training website:


Posted in University Security Guard.